For Kids


Why do we lose control of our emotions?

Learn more about your emotions and how to control them. Click here to watch a short video. 

Today, I am feeling _______________.

Practice checking in with yourself, and try to figure out what those big emotions are. Sometimes, they are different than mad, sad, fine, or good (fine and good are not emotions).


Brain Breaks

A Brain Break might involve movement, stretching, or just some quiet, focused breathing. So, when you're feeling tired, overwhelmed, fuzzy headed, or even jittery or wiggly, try a Brain Break!

Brain Breaks can be as quick and simple as: 

  • Going for a walk or jog around the block or the outside of your home 
  • Standing up and doing 3 minutes or stretching or jogging in place 
  • Colouring
  • Taking a 10-15 minute "recess" or play break 
  • Listening to music and busting out a few dance moves 
  • Taking a 20 minute "screen" break 
  • Closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing for 2-3 minutes

Find one that works for you!