
Our Commitment to Accessibility

Accessibility refers to the degree of ease with which people of all abilities can participate fully without encountering barriers. School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) is committed to removing barriers and creating environments that provide accessible and empowering opportunities for all students and staff in our diverse community. 

Administrative Procedure 543

Accessibility Plan 2024 - 2027

Terms to Know

Accessibility: The state of having programs, services and environments that allow all individuals to participate fully in society without encountering barriers.

Accessibility Committee: An official group formed by one or more organizations in collaboration with people with disabilities, to create an accessibility plan and feedback mechanism.

Accessibility Plan: A plan developed by an Accessibility Committee that identifies challenges and solutions for addressing accessibility barriers.

Disability: The state of being unable to participate fully and equally in society as a result of the interaction between an impairment and a barrier. 

Barrier: Anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of their disability. This includes architectural, attitudinal, information, communications, policy or practice, and technological barriers. 

Impairment: A physical, sensory, mental, intellectual, cognitive limitation, whether permanent or temporary or episodic. 

Accessibility Reporting Mechanism

As part of the Accessible BC Act, the District is inviting feedback from community members, students, and staff regarding accessibility in our organization. We would appreciate hearing any recommendations you have to make our schools and facilities more accessible in the areas of built environments, attitudes, policies, practices, communication, and technology. Please use this form to provide your input.

Report Accessibility Barrier.PNG


 References and Resources


Global, Canadian and Local Accessibility Context and Legislation