Early Years Learning

Early Learning 




StrongStart Centres provide parents and caregivers an opportunity to share in their child's early learning experiences and learn and grow together through PLAY. 

The Centre's facilitators are qualified Early Childhood Educators. They will provide carefully selected materials and activities that promote the development of social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and early literacy skills necessary for lifelong learning.

Ready, Set, Learnready-set-learn.0a09889508.jpg

Ready, Set, Learn is an initiative that recognizes that families need positive connections with the school system and community agenciesbus.edcc889507.jpg that provide relevant resources and information. All our Elementary Schools in School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay) will be offering an opportunity for all birth to 5-year-olds and their parents or guardians to receive an information/activity package. This event is a partnership between the province, the district, and the early childhood teachers in Cranbrook, Fernie, Sparwood, Jaffray, and Elkford.

Kindergarten Orientation

Welcome to Kindergarten!.pdf

When I go to Kindergarten

Community Resources 


Our Early Years Learning Community is a great source of resources for you and your family.

Social Emotional Learning Resourcessocial-emotional-learning-resources.67819d9505.jpg


Learning Opportunities and Resources for Parentsapple.685cbe9509.jpg
