Early Intervention

Early Intervention

Definition: Providing intervention services to students who struggle with academic skill development in Kindergarten and Grades 1, 2, 3.

The promising practice of early intervention in school, home and community received ongoing accolades. There is a strong emphasis on our District on the early acquisition of oral language skills, reading, and writing. This is evident with the Sound Connections program. The District feels so strongly about literacy that one of our District goals is the have all students to read at grade level by the end of grade three.

Early education is not just about literacy but also about developing students’ numeracy, social and emotional skills. 

Why early intervention? Research shows that educational disadvantage becomes entrenched by age 11. The sooner we can develop students’ academic and functional skills the more they will be successful in their academic career.

With regular classroom teacher making the most of children’s primary school years and intervening with specialized staff where necessary we strive to help all children fulfil their potential.

Ongoing Intervention through Elementary, Middle and Secondary Years

An early intervention for all approach maintains a level of additional support through the grades. While later in the student’s educational career, we provide the earliest intervention possible. Many times, we do not discover difficulties students have until the tasks we ask of them become much more complex and their difficulties begin to show.

Educators can also achieve great success by paying attention to early, but later, intervention when it consists of intensive services by specialized staff. You will see the district and school-based service staff in the right-hand column.

Intervention from Grade 4 on will usually be articulated in a student’s Inclusive Education Plan (IEP) or Student Support Plan (SSP).

Many students with developmental disabilities require life-long assistance to meet a level of functional skills. Staff work with students needing this type of intervention mostly in classrooms but sometimes pull students aside in the classroom for targeted interventions or rarely pull them out for intensive work.