District Level Support

District-based learning services can be accessed by the school personnel when the school is needing support with a student or group of students.

To access the services
English Language Learner Teachers
English Language Learner Teachers (ELL) support students who speak languages other than English. They help students develop English skills to succeed socially and academically. ELL teachers work with classroom teachers, student support staff, and caregivers to create an environment that honours cultural identity and promotes social and emotional growth. They play a crucial role in supporting many immigrant, refugee, and newcomer families. The School Principal or School Based Team refer to these services as needed in the school.
Hearing Resource Teacher
Hearing Resource Teachers work with children and youth who are deaf and hard of hearing. They teach students speech, auditory, writing, reading, and language skills based on a modified or adapted curriculum developed as a part of the individual student’s inclusive education plan (IEP).
The School Principal or School Based Team refer to these services as needed in the school.
Homebound Tutoring Services
The purpose of homebound education services is to enable students to continue their education program while absent from school for periods during the school year because of illness or related medical/psychiatric reasons.
Please contact the School Principal or School Based Team to access these services.
School Psychologist
School Psychologists provide psycho-educational and behavioural assessments as well as program recommendations to families and teachers working with students. They consult and collaborate on student strengths and needs and their educational implications.
School Psychologists collaborate with school-based teams, parents, district program and community agencies to develop education support plans for students.
The School Based Team will refer to these services if there the student is not responding to school-level instruction or intervention practice.
Learning Services Coordinator
Learning Services Coordinators provide leadership and services to school-based teams, classroom teachers, education assistants and other support staff, and parents. They primarily supporting an inclusive model of service delivery, stressing the importance of the role of the regular classroom teacher in the support of student learning. The also act as a liaison with Provincial Outreach Programs (Special Education Technology - BC, Provincial Outreach Program for Autism, Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders, Provincial Inclusion Outreach Program, and others as required).
The School Principal or School Based Team refer to these services as needed in the school.
Vision Resource Teacher
A specialist teacher who assists students who are blind or have a vision impairment. They work closely with parents, teachers and other specialists to help students prepare for, start and settle into an early childhood service or school. They continue the support throughout school and the assist in the transition to life beyond the classroom. Their focus is on equity, access and inclusion.
The School Principal or School Based Team refer to these services as needed in the school.