Request for Placement

Family Requests to an Out of Catchment School

Parents who wish that their child/children be permitted to attend a school outside their catchment area will submit a completed Family Request for Student Placement form to the School Board Office.  These completed forms shall be accepted in two ways:

  1. By Board Office staff commencing on the first school day in February, 8:30 am, and for the purpose of Section 74.1 of the School Act, received no later than the last school day in February, 3:30 pm. 
  2. Email to with subject line in the email to read "New Transfer Request" commencing on the first school day in February, at 8:30 a.m. and for the purpose of Section 74.1 of the School Act, received no later than the last school day in February, 3:30 pm. 

All applications will be dealt with on a first-come, first serve basis.   


If it is determined that space and facilities are available in a school, a person whose application was received by the Board by the date established under this Administrative Procedure, is entitled to enrol in that educational program in the following descending order of priority:

  1. Non-catchment area student who attended the previous year;
  2. Non-catchment area student whose sibling attends the school;
  3. A non-catchment area student;
  4. A non-school district student.

The Superintendent or designate will review the requests by June 1 and will be responsible for determining final acceptance or denial of the parental request. The decision will be based upon the availability of space, facilities, resources and the ability to provide an appropriate educational program for the transferring student.

Parents and/or guardians of students transferring to a school outside of their catchment area will be responsible for their own transportation arrangements to and from the school.

If a parent or guardian has been offered a place at a school location for which they have applied, they must make the decision to accept the position in a timely fashion. Although circumstances may vary, generally the parent and/or guardian will be given 24 hours in which to make the decision. Failure to accept a placement offer within the time specified by the Board will result in the space being allotted to another student, and the name of the student who was originally offered the space being removed from the waiting list of that school.

Note: Even if a student attains acceptance to a school outside their catchment area, their classification for transportation shall remain as a "courtesy rider" for the remainder of their time at that school.

The Superintendent and/or their Designate are authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with other School Districts to review waiting lists and enrolment information in order to enforce this policy.

Waiting List

Those not accommodated through the initial application process will be placed on a wait list in the category and date/time order received, for consideration in September when actual enrolments are known. Parents/guardians of students placed on a wait list for September will be contacted as soon as possible following the start of school in September if space exists for their child's transfer. Any applications received after the application deadline will also be placed on the wait list.

Notification of Administrative Procedure

Prior to January 15th of each school year, Principals will ensure that parents are aware of Administrative Procedure 300 Student Registration Enrolment and Placement as well as recommended dates for application for enrolment to the School District for the upcoming year. This will include:

  1. an article to be inserted in all school newsletters prior to the enrolment application deadline;
  2. information being available in the main offices to be picked up by parents/guardians; and
  3. ensuring that reception staff are clear on the procedures for application for enrolment at the school.